
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Briefmarken - Abfall ist Rohstoff

What do stamps have to do with learning German? Well, in my opinion, you can also get to know a country by looking at its stamps. You can find out a lot of things out of there: culture, personalities, tradition, gastronomy, attractions, history, comics, almost anything.

For today (for Viridian´s Sunday Stamps) I have chosen this stamp:

It is an illustration that should make us more conscious about waste.
Natural resources such as renewable and nonrenewable resources, soil, water, air, food and energy are the foundation of our prosperity. The scarcity of key raw materials, along with increased demand, however, leads to rising commodity prices and the development of natural resources in areas that are particularly sensitive to human interference. We need to treat our resources both economically and efficiently. By recovering waste recycling we reduce the need for newly mined raw materials. This is making a significant contribution to the conservation of natural resources. The circular economy is a key pillar of a Green Economy - "Waste is a resource!"

So, let us get back to the German language, and learn some basic words about Environmental protection (Umweltschutz):

Man sollte den Abfall in eine Mülltonne werfen.

der Abfall = waste
der Müll = garbage, rubbisch
die Mülltonne = dustbin, garbage bin

Die Umwelt muss man schützen und bewahren nicht zerstören oder verschmutzen.

die Umwelt = environment
schützen = to protect
bewahren = to preserve
zerstören = to destroy
verschmutzen = to pollute

Die Deutschen sind Erfinder und Weltmeister der Mülltrennung.

die Mülltrennung = waste separation

Erdöl ist der Rohstoff für viele Kunststoffe.

der Rohstoff = raw material
der Kunststoff = plastic
das Erdöl = petroleum

Müllvermeidung fängt beim Einkauf an. Unnötige Verpackung kostet Sie doppelt Geld – einmal zahlen Sie dafür im Einkaufspreis und das zweite mal zahlen Sie für die Entsorgung. Recycling und Wiederverwertung sind ebenfalls wichtige Grundsätze.

die Müllvermeidung = waste prevention
die Verpackung = packaging
die Enstsorgung = disposal (of waste)
das Recycling = die Wiederverwertung = recycling

Recycling-Quiz von Spiegel Online

Hiere some more materials and exercises about Environmental protection:

So what do you think, can you learn from a stamp?

Title: Serie "Für den Umweltschutz 2012": Abfall ist Rohstoff
Date of Issue: 2 Mai, 2012
Country: Germany
Denominations: 55+25 (0,80 euro)


  1. Schöne Marke, hab ich noch nie zuvor gesehen :)

  2. Such an visually amusing stamp, a clever way to put the message across.

  3. Thank you for passing by and leaving a comment. Indeed Joy, it´s an interesting approach of the subject. We have the power of transforming anything to something, don´t we?

  4. The illustration is kind of puzzling to me even when I know what it is about.

  5. Interesting stamp -though I admit I didn't 'get it' at first. Maybe if I knew some German - I know some now.
    Thank you so much for joining us today!!

  6. An amusing design for the stamp, I remember that recycling was big in Germany before it had really got started here in the UK.

  7. Having been involved with environmental auditing I appreciate this stamp. I was also surprised how many of the German words I recognised.

  8. what a fun illustration for a stamp and for a good cause too.

  9. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am glad you enjoyed this post and the illustration on the stamp. I found it also very ingenious. Viridian, the pleasure is mine :)
    Bob, did you learn German? Auditor? Nice to find people with same interests. I did only internal audits.

  10. What a wonderful stamp! The message and design are both fabulous.
