
Friday, August 31, 2012

Beginner German: Furniture/ das Möbel

Hello, I saw most of you (those who land on my Blog) are level A1, that means beginners. That´s good. I was also a beginner 2 years ago. Let´s talk a little bit about furniture in a room.

das Möbel = furniture

Below you will find Vocabulary.  It would help you more if you try to find out alone the translation, in your own language. You can use for English the "Wörterbuch" that appears in the right lower corner of the screen. Just double-click on the word you don´t understand.

das Bett
der Tisch
der Schreibtisch
der Esstisch
der Sofatisch
der Nachttisch
die Kommode
der Schrank
der Kleiderschrank
der Küchenschrank
das Sofa / die Couch
der Sessel
der Stuhl
der Schreibtischstuhl
der Küchenstuhl
der Teppich
das Regal
das Bücherregal

Listen to this Podcast von Annik  to hear the words.
Pons Bildwörterbuch will help you a little with pronunciation.

Below you can see how 3 people describe their rooms. After reading it, try to describe your room too. You can add this in comments if you like.

I will give you a hint. It helps when you write the words on post-it and place all those on the furniture in your house. You will see the words and read them several times a day, until you know them all.

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